Daily Dresden Drawings – Summer Knight Harry Dresden


So here we have one Harry Dresden. Hero of the Dresden Files. Now the last book Grave Peril was rough on Harry so this time around he looks like shit. What I did was I first too my old drawing of Harry to use as a starting point. So a lot of the same notes from that apply here as well. Things like Harry’s clothes don’t quite fit because he’s 6’7” and broke. So chances are he can’t afford perfectly fitting clothes. He probably hunched a lot since lots of guys that tall do that. He’s got lean sprinter looking build. Also, his facial features are mostly triangles like the main character of the Maltase Falcone. Jim Butcher used noir novels like that as part of his inspiration for writing Harry, so it makes sense to me to carry that over a little to his appearance.

Now for after working off my Harry from Grave Peril I proceeded to make him look more awful. Harry is described as having bags under his eyes from months of not sleeping well. He hasn’t shaved or cut his hair in months. His hair also has a random patch that is shorter than the rest because it was was burnt off. He also shows up to help Billy without his giant trench coat, and is instead wearing sweatpants and a dirty t-shirt. And then just for fun I added a quick drawing of Harry having a toad fall on him since raining toads is why he was called away from his new hygiene free life style.