Getting Shit Done!

Hey hey folks!

November was mostly work focused and December will be too. This month in my discord we’re gonna watch an indie werewolf movie called Wolf of Snow Hollow. I was told it had a dry sense of humor but I haven’t seen it yet. If it interests you, pop into my discord on December 7th at 5pm PST.

Last month I finished Murky Water. It’s all done! I’m getting the whole thing proofread now. Then I’ll repost all the old pages with the typos fixed. There is still a paper shortage so I don’t know if I’m gonna print it right away. Like it would be nice to have a new book for conventions but Cautionary Fables South America will be out next year. So it might be better to hold off with it’s crowdfund until next year.

Another thing I finished is my Failure to Launch comic. Patreon backers have been seeing the pencils posted on Fridays, but I finished coloring and lettering it last weekend. It’s written by Ryan North and will appear in the anthology Failure to Launch: a Tour of Ill-Fated Futures. I’m the editor on the book and it’s gonna be a great book. It’s a light-hearted education collection of inventions and world plans that didn’t get to become reality. Some are because they were based on bad science (like my story is about a man who didn’t account for friction or physics in general) but others fell apart because of corporate greed or government interference. I especially like a story written by Harry “Hbomberguy” Brewis about the first attempt at making a union. That’s gonna crowdfund in February. I’ll make sure to let you all know when it’s up.

While doing all this work I watched a lot of TV. So much it’s a little hard to remember it all. The big stand out is probably Interview with the Vampire. While different from the books, the changes the show made really improved the source material. I especially think the show aging Claudia up a little was a good decision. Her being turned so young in the book and movie does some interesting stuff, it doesn’t quite fit with the series as a whole. Her being older lets her run off of a bit on her own and grow into someone away from Louis and Lestate in a way that she couldn’t in the source material. It makes her interesting and nuanced as a character for the show.

And the actress playing her knocks it out of the park. All the actors in the show do. I also like the reporter being older while interviewing Louis and pushing back on him in the interview more. The whole show is just really well put together. I highly recommend it. 

Since I wrapped up a lot last month, this month I’m jumping back into You are the Chosen One. So that will be back as my patreon exclusive comic next month. I’ll post pfds of the previous chapters before I start things up again. I’m sure some folks have forgotten what’s happened since the couple of month break. 

I’m also getting ready to jump into the next The City Between story. It’s titled Shards of Reflection. I’m gonna try to experiment a little with the storytelling because the main character is an unreliable narrator. It will be interesting to see how things go and I hope I can pull it off. 

And I’m really living up to the cartoon of me spinning plates on the Iron Circus Geekshow. Because this month I also need to try and finish up the graphic novel I’ve been writing, Blue Moon. That’s the werewolf YA book I’m doing with Meredith McClaren. The script is due at the end of December. Or at least the first draft is. But it’s kinda fallen to the side while working on everything else.

I’ll be doing my usual streaming this month on Twitch. With so much going on, sometimes it’s hard to focus. So those two hour streams Tues, Wed, and Thurs really help me get at least my drawing done. One streaming thing that Spike and I are planning is on Christmas day we are gonna stream rimworld. During it we’ll be raising money for charity (but haven’t picked one yet). But it will be on both the Iron Circus Youtube as well as my twitch. We are gonna start at Noon Central and 10am PST. So join us if you don’t have Christmas plans. 

Also, since twitter is exploding I figured I should list all my social medias. You can follow me at these places.

Have a good one! Thanks for your support!

Spooky Season is Here!

This is crossposted with my newsletter.

Happy October all! It’s a good time to watch some werewolf movies. Because of that, the discord I launched last month is going to host a werewolf movie hang each Saturday. Feel free to join! Here’s the list of movies we are watching:

  • Wolfwalkers on October 8th at 2pm PST
  • Brotherhood of the Wolf on October 15th 5pm PST
  • Werewolves Within on October 22nd 2pm PST
  • When Animals Dream on October 29th 2pm PST

I people like it, I’m gonna do a werewolf movie every full moon. This past Saturday, the discord watched American Werewolf in London. It’s overall considered the best werewolf movie and it definitely earns that title. It had been awhile since I last watched it. I feel like I always forget how much humor is American Werewolf. It really helps break the tension on some of the more intense horror bits. There are also a lot of good tiny details that add to the general feeling of isolation the main character is feeling  while being far from home. 

Other than hosting a movies on my discord, I’m mostly gonna have my nose to the grindstone. I’m gonna finish Murky Water this month. I got the script for the next City Between finished. But I got to think up a title for it. It’s going to be a little bit more experimental and will be about a vampire. I want to establish some stuff about how vampires work in The City Between but also push my art/storytelling abilities. 

Speaking of pushing storytelling and art, I recently watched The Tragedy of Macbeth (the one from 2021). And I’m glad I did. Joel Coen directed it and he clearly took the fact that folks are familiar with Macbeth as an opportunity to push the artistic look of the movie. Most of the sets are kinda sparse and completely white. So when strong light sources are used, almost every frame because a very striking visual. 

It’s got me really inspired and I want to go through and save some shots to use as reference for black and white art. 

I’m also working on my story with Ryan North for Iron Circus’s Failure to Launch Anthology. Since I’m the editor on that one, I’m working on a script for the book’s promo video. There is a lot of great stuff in this book. It’s a exciting that folks will get to see it soon. 

That’s all for this month. Other than the movie hangs in discord things are kinda business as usual, drawing comics for my site and patreon, edit some manga, streaming on twitch, and trying to find time to reorganize things. 

Thanks everyone for your support! You all have a good month.

I WON an Eisner

I Won an Eisner!

This is crossposted from my newsletter

WOOO! Also the globe spins! You Died won best anthology and I’m the editor on it. So I get a this fabulous fidget spinner. 

I survived San Diego Comic Con. Partly that is because they did a great job with covid safety rules. We have to get a wristband showing we were vaccinated, every couple of hours there was an announcement reminded folks that masks are required, and security told folks to fix their masks if someone had it under their chin or not covering their nose. Overall things went well.

July was overall super busy. Between getting ready for San Diego Comic Con and an up tick in work from Seven Seas, I didn’t have a lot of time to do my comic work. This also lined up with a scene in You are the Chosen One with 9million horses and me needing to work on a short comic that is due in a couple of months. Basically the past three pages of You are the Chosen One took three times the amount of time to finish as usual because they are a big crowd scene with a parade of horses, like this one. 

So my buffer for You are the Chosen One is pretty much used up. The next two updates on my patreon are gonna be pencils. Then I’m gonna take a month or 2 off to get back ahead. In the meantime, I’m going to post in progress work for a comic I’m drawing and Ryan North wrote. It’s for a non-fiction comic anthology called Failure to Launch. So instead of You are the Chosen One that will go up on Fridays for Patreon backers. 

Anyway, this month other than working on Failure to Launch, I’m also going to Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle. I’ll have my usual table near the entrance. I haven’t made a little map yet but we’ll be at table 206. Then after the show I am gonna dig into writing Blue Moon, my future book with Meredith McClaren. 

I hope your August is chiller than mine. But either way, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for your support! Take care.

I’ll be at San Diego Comic Con

This is crossposted with my monthly newletter 

Hey all, 
I hope you are having a good summer! This month I’ll be at San Diego Comic Con from July 20th through July 24th. In the past I’ve been in the small press area, but folks always had a hard time finding my table because the small press section has a different way of numbering tables. So this year I’ll be joining Alina Pete and Sam Logan at table 1229. It’s right along one of the main rows, so it should be easy to find if you enter through the B1 doors. 

In other exciting news, the Seven Seas Union has been officially recognized. I’m very excited about this moving forward and seeing how negotiations go. At my SDCC table, I’ll have some free pins of both pirate cats for anyone that supports the union. 

In June I went to Minneapolis for a friend’s wedding. I spent an extra day or two looking around the city and took pictures of all the art deco looking buildings and walkways the city has. The City Between’s future city has an art decoy look, so I am always on the look out for unique looking art deco buildings. 

I also look pictures of friends pets. u_u

As for this month, I’ll mostly be working on Murky Water and You are the Chosen One again. Ya know, the usual. If you’ve been watching my twitch streams, you’ve seen that You are the Chosen One is in the middle of scene with too many horses. I wanna be done drawing that scene before I leave for SDCC. 

After SDCC is done though, I’m gonna take sometime to work on the script for Blue Moon. I need to finish that before the end of the year. So my plate is looking pretty full. 

But Cautionary Fables South America is almost ready for it’s crowdfund to launch. It’s going live in August, so get ready for some news on that. 

Thanks again for your support!
Have a good month.

I have a lot of thoughts

This is crossposted with my newletter 

Hey all! Another month as come and gone. I’ve mostly had my nose to the grind stone on the usual comics, The City Between and You are the Chosen One. I did pop on to War Rocket Ajax to promote You are the Chosen One, since chapter 3 has gotten the ball rolling. We detour into talking about video games a bit, but I do talk about how I came up with the characters names. So give it a listen.

Because I’ve been on War Rocket Ajax a bunch of times the listener questions are werewolf focused. And after the show it lead to me talking to my pal Kevin about something I think is a common problem in werewolf related media. Basically, there is a show called Wolf like Me on peacock’s streaming service. It is about werewolves. You can tell it’s about werewolves because of the name of the show. The problem is that it wants to build up to the reveal of the werewolf. So for several episodes it is building tension/momentum by hinting that one character is a werewolf but because you know know the title of the show you already know the character is a werewolf. Instead of building interest in their reveal/mystery, they are mostly building:

And it’s a problem I’ve seen in a lot of werewolf media. That desire for a slow burn is something I understand. The slow burn is something I love when pulled off well. But it’s at odds with the title/marketing/etc, wanting people to know here be werewolves. This sorta conflict is something I’ve been thinking about in regards to the werewolf comic I’m working on, Blue Moon. The shows/movies I’ve seen where the slow burn works usually have another plot going on and the slow reveal of the werewolf is a b-plot. 

Anyway, besides thinking about werewolves I watched a lot of Our Flag Means Death. If you don’t know, Our Flag Means Death is the new pirate comedy starring Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi. They play Stede Bonnet and Blackbeard. It’s a show that is very funny. It takes a little bit to gain steam but once Taika’s Blackbeard shows up, the show hits high points and keeps out doing itself. Stede and Blackbeard grow closer every episode and the two have a romantic arc. It’s one that I appreciate is text rather than subtext. I also got very invested in the non-binary pirate Jim’s story of getting torn between wanting vengeance and staying with the crew. I definitely hope it gets a season 2. 

Anyway, this month I’m going to keep working on The City Between and You are the Chosen One. In the meantime, I did my taxes a few weeks ago and found out I owe the government more money than I expected. So I’m having a 20% off sale in my store with the coupon code: taxes

That sale will last until April 15th. So if you’ve been thinking about getting any of my books, now is a good time to grab some. 

Anyway, enjoy your month and thank you all for your support.