Hello, you seem to be using an adblocker. I make a living from my webcomics and part of that is from ad revenue. As such, I'd really appreciate it if you'd add sorcery101.net to your whitelist. If you’d like to help remove ads, consider backing my patreon. Thank you!
I’m still figuring out the streaming schedule for the year. But getting back to werewolf movie night, next up is Monster Squad!
Join my discord Sunday January 12th at 2pm PST to watch a very ridiculous movie. Click here to join!
For sure I’ll be streaming at these times:
Tuesday at 8pm – 10pm PST – Art times
Thursday at 4pm – 6pm PST – Art times
Sunday at 8pm – 10pm PST – Baldur’s Gate 3
Also me and my pal Bones Leopard are gonna twitch show/podcast were we read through Berserk. We are gonna read and talk about volume 1 on February 4th. But we are still nailing down the time.
The big thing last month was my Christmas charity stream where I played Slay the Princess. If you missed it, I now have it up on my youtube. I went for 7 hours.
I’m gotta start the new year off with updating my store. I need to get Murky Water up now that the Kickstarter is fulfilled. Also, because of someone asking about it, I realized I never put the second chapter of SuperNatural Attraction in the store. So gonna get those up soon.
Also, last month I was thinking about what to do about You Are the Chosen One since I can’t keep it up going weekly. I’m gonna start putting pages of that up on my website on Fridays, but once a month I’ll make a progress report $1 patreon backers. So I gotta tweak my patreon backer level for that.
And for those of you who don’t like patreon, I started a Kofi. I’ve not completely done fiddling with it. But I’m gonna try to remember to post everything that is on patreon, on there as well.
I watch a lot of youtube while working as usual. And this month, a video that stood out to me was Laura Crone made a video about Magicians the book vs the show. She likes both, but a thing that talks about in it is how a book is marketed or explained to people sets different expectations. In the context of Magicians, Laura brings up if someone was given it in the context of “if you like x fantasy book” they might be frustrated with the structure of the book being closer to literary fiction. I’ve been kinda mentally chewing on that idea.
I’ve talked with some other comic creators in the past about how stories start making a promise to the reader. Like I love Beastars, but I know several people who were frustrated with it because it starts with a murder and no one tries to solve the murder in the first arc. But thinking about how someone is presented a book via marketing or a friend rec, also can set the a book up to fail in readers eyes. I made me think about how I didn’t really like Wicked the book, because it’s sold as the Wizard of Oz from the Wicked Witch’s pov. But the book isn’t really from her point of view, yes you get more background on her, but you don’t get into her head. The musical (and the new movie) do a better job of following through on the promise of presenting things from Alphaba’s point of view.
I don’t really have a conclusion to that point and will probably keep mentally chewing on this idea for a bit. But I wanted to share what’s been on my mind writing wise lately.
This year, I’m gonna try to keep better track of what I’m watching and reading. I fell off it the past few years because of my workload at Seven Seas. So I need to make time for reading some comics that AREN’T mangas I’m editing.
I skipped last month’s newsletter because I couldn’t focus around the election. Then I was helping Iron Circus get it’s Black Friday Sale ready. So November came and went. Now I’m mostly planning stuff/to do lists for next year.
I’ll be at CALA (Comic Arts LA) Decemebr 14th and 15th. I’m not selling my own stuff. I’m representing Iron Circus. But I’ll have copies of Failure to Launch if you want me to sign that and I’ll be on a panel at 1pm on Saturday. But since the full moon is the 15th, that means no werewolf movie.
Instead of a werewolf stream I’m gonna do a charity stream on Christmas Day. I’ll be playing Slay the Princess and taking donations for the Trevor Project. If you are unfamiliar, the Trevor Project is for suicide prevention and support for LGBTQ+ youth. And Slay the Princess is an indie game where you have to kill a princess to save the world.
I’ll start at 9:30 am PST on my twitch. I’ll be going until I finish the game, which is estimated to be 12-14 hours. So where you want something to do on Christmas or just want to pop in to donate, please join me!
My other streams are in a bit of a flux timing wise. Because I like to have a cohost. Joe has been getting into their local tenants’ union and hasn’t had time. Alina’s dnd stream has been moving around a bit. I’ll have something more nailed down in January. But Sunday’s I’m still playing Baldur’s Gate 3 at 8pm PST.
Since I’m rearranging when I do my streams, most of the stuff folks might have missed are minorish-updates.
I did a poll about if patreon backers want me to post the morning before my streams. While yes is winning, there is enough people who don’t want their email cluttered, that I’m gonna see if I make a tag that will let people opt in.
I’m still trying to get Glass Diamonds completely written. I have roughly 20 pages left. So if I can find time to sit down and do it, then shouldn’t take too long. I feel like a lot of stuff I need to finish has been stuck at an almost done phase.
I also gotta go through and take stock for my store. The Better to Find You With and The Dead Deception are almost sold out. So I probably got to remove the City Between pack out of the store, while adding Murky Water.
While working, I’ve been watching a lot of youtube essays. I particularly like this video by Broey Deschanel titled Was Denis Villeneuve Right About Dialogue?which goes over the trend in Hollywood to be dismissive of writing in favor of visuals. I always like her videos because she really digs into film as a medium and it’s history when going over these topics. And when I think about the movies that fell flat for me recently, they are all ones that put visuals first.
Last month, I mentioned reading No Gods, No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull. I liked it enough that I immediately grabbed the sequel We are the Crisis. I’ve been thinking about both books a lot since I finished them. Every characters point of view adds to the big picture which increase it’s complexity while still making the character understandable and relatable. I hope there are more books in this series, because I feel like it keeps getting better.
And this isn’t a book I read recently, but it’s a series I constantly enjoy. Wayward Children by Seanan McGuire is currently kickstarting a fancy illustrated version of the books. I highly recommend check out the series even if fancy hardcovers aren’t their thing.
That’s all for this month. Have a good one everyone. Enjoy your holidays and stay safe.
It is spooky season! I hope you are all ready for some werewolves. But first, I got a bunch of new folks who signed up for my newsletter at Rose City. So for the newcomers, here’s a rundown (and reminder since Rose City was almost a month ago) of who I am and what I’m about. I’m a comic artist working on:
Blue Moon is a werewolf romance gn I’m writing and Meredith McClarren is going to draw. I’m late on its script.
The City Between is my webcomic about werewolves in the future. It updates Wednesdays. The current story is called Shards of Reflection. I’m scripting the next one which is called Glass Diamonds which will be starting soon.
You are the Chosen One is a fantasy comic about 23 kids who got the same prophecy dream. It was posting on Fridays on my Patreon. But my editorial work has been piling up/overwhelming me lately. So it’s on hold until I finish up some other stuff.
My day job is an editor at the manga company Seven Seas and the indie comic publisher Iron Circus Comics. I like folklore, fantasy, and especially like werewolves. Welcome!
The big thing this month is the next story in The City Between will be starting. On my patreon, I post pages a month early. The last page of Shards of Reflection just got posted. Shards of Reflection was a bit of a storytelling experiment. I’m not 100% sure if I pulled if off. I’ll probably have more of a firm opinion of it once I’ve reviewed it for print sometime next year.
I feel like I’ve been travel nonstop since San Diego Comic Con in July. So I’m happy to just stay home and work this month. Gonna watch some good halloween movies. Speaking of which:
For the new, I show a werewolf movie every full moon in my fan discord. I was trying to think of a good pick for October. A monster mashup seemed like a good pick. So join my Thursday October 17th at 4pm PST. You just have to join my discord.
I’ll be back on my streaming schedule this month. I usually stream with Alina Pete on Wednesdays, but we have to change the time because they have a conflict.
As I mentioned above, I’m working on Glass Diamonds (the next The City Between story). I usually try to get the whole script done before drawing. But I got stuck a few times. I’m mostly done though. I should be done by the end of the month. Most of my streams are gonna be doing concept art for it.
While working last month, I got around to finally watching Scavengers Reign. I’d heard a lot of good things and it completely lived up to the hype. The animation is beautiful. The slow exploration of the planet is equal parts awe inspiring and terrifying in equal measure. It’s on Netflix now and I’d recommended it to any sci-fi fan.
I’ve also been reading No Gods, No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull. After I talked a little bit about werewolves to some folks at Worldcon, one of them recommended I pick this up. It’s about the world finding out about the supernatural after a victim of police brutality is revealed to be a werewolf. I’m really liking it because it’s a bunch of small stories that connect together to show a bigger pictures. On his website, Cadwell Turnbull says he was trying for something structurally like The Wire and that the community is the main character rather than an individual. There’s a sequel and I gonna jump into it as soon as I’m done with this first volume.
One a lighter note, I read the manga Drip Drip. It’s by Paru Itagaki who made Beastars. It’s very weird and very silly. The main character is a germaphobe who gets a nose bleed when ever she touches something dirty She is trying to have a love life without gushing blood all over her date whenever they hold hands. While not to everyone’s taste, it is so over the top that I found it funny and charming.
That is for this month. Thanks everyone for your support! And if you got a few extra bucks, consider backing my patreon.
I’m at table B-12! Right up front! Stop by and get some books! I’ll have copies of Failure to Launch!
Perfect Crime Party is currently crowdfunding! I mentioned it last month but this is the newest anthology I edited for Iron Circus. There is a lot of fun lighthearted crime stories. So please grab yourself a copy!
This months werewolf movie is An American Werewolf in Paris. I’ll be hosting it on my discord September 17th at 4pm pt. If you wanna join, just sign up for my discord here. I starting to run out of the big deal werewolf movies. So I’m also open to recommendations.
I spent a big chunk of August traveling. I went to Worldcon for the first time. It was in Glasgow, Scotland. My thought was if I didn’t like the con, then I could just leave and do something touristy. I did end up enjoying the con and I plan to go when it’s in Seattle next year. My hotel was about a 20 min to the convention center but it was pretty nice and along the river.
If you don’t know, Worldcon is a sci-fi fantasy con where the Hugos are held. It’s in a different city every year. While there is some fan stuff, it is mainly aimed at pros and aspiring pros. As such the vibe was very different at Worldcon that the many comic shows I’ve been to. I think a lot of the panels at comic cons are basically press releases. There are some panels on craft, but they usually get buried/given bad time slots. Which makes sense because those comic shows are more focused on fans and sales.
So it was nice to listen to some topics with writing being the focus. I particularly liked one I went to about governments in sci-fi and fantasy and why those two genres tend toward writing about fascism or monarchy. I went because in The City Between, Connor’s husband Jordan is their worlds equivalent of the governor. I think I got some good notes and ideas on how to flesh that angle out more in future stories.
Also at Worldcon I grabbed some new books. One I ready finished, To Shape a Dragon’s Breath. It is about a native girl who finds a dragon. Her people used to have dragons but were wiped out when white settlers started colonizing the area. Said white colonizers also have a lot of laws about dragons, so she has to go to one of their schools for dragon riders. It was very well written and I got through it pretty fast. My one complaint is at the beginning the main character is a bit too nice for my tastes. That isn’t a flaw with the book, just my personal taste. I frequently like characters that are trash monsters to the point where my friends tell me they can’t watch someone of my favorite shows because everyone is too awful. So me thinking a character is too nice, is probably a plus for everyone else.
After Worldcon, I stayed in Glasgow an extra day to explore. I was traveling with my pal Bones Leopard who wanted to visit the Glasgow Necropolis. I took a lot of graves I thought had cool designs.
Right next to it is Glasgows Cathedral. So we also popped in and I took a bunch of pictures of that.
Afterward, Bones feet started to hurt, so I ended up wandering around on my own and talking pictures of architecture I thought was neat. And while exploring I came across a group of bagpipers performing.
After that I went to Edinburgh for a few days. Mostly I walked around and saw some performances. The Fridge Fest was going on while I was there. So I got to see a few fun street performances. On day was pretty rainy in the afternoon so I spelt it in the National Museum of Scotland. But the big thing I did in Edinburgh was I climbed Arthur’s Seat. The view was amazing!
I put all my Scotland pictures in my google drive. Anyone who wants to see them can browse here. The folder includes:
a bunch of buildings I thought looked neat in Glasgow and Edinburgh
walking along the river
all the graves I took pics of
a religion museum next to the graveyard and cathedral
inside the cathedral
the oldest house in Glasgow (each floor showed it in a different time period)
some landscapes/hills taken from inside the train to Edinburgh
climbing Arthur’s Seat
photos from the National Museum of Scotland
The whole trip was fun. I also got to hang out with Kate Ashwin in person. Iron Circus wants to do a boxset of Cautionary Fables, so we sat down and figured out what we want the box to look like.
Now that I’m home I’m gonna rest up and focus on The City Between. I have like 4 pages left of Shards of Reflection to finish up. So I need to make sure the next story, Glass Diamonds, is ready to go fairly soon. One that is done I need to rearrange my patreon a bit.
Obviously, I haven’t had time to get back to You are the Chosen One in over a year. But Patreon removed goals from Patreon over a year ago. When I started You are the Chosen One, I was using goals as a milestone to justify when either You are the Chosen One or The City Between could have another update day. The goal is removed and I wouldn’t have time to do that even if my patreon did reach it. So I need to reassess what I’m doing. I will probably start posting it publicly, however I don’t know if I want to rotate it’s chapters with The City Between with updates on Wednesdays, or just post it whenever.
Also, Patreon removing goals was a more minor example it continuiously making unhelpful changes. The newest of which is them forcing everyone to switch to a different payment model. Basically, until this month, I charged all my Patreon backers on the 1st. That is how subsciptions used to work on all patreons. But they thought that was a problem because sometimes someone would sign up the 25th of a month and then be charged twice in a short amount of time.
For the past year, Patreon has been pushing creators to switch to everyone gets charged on whatever day they signed up on a monthly basis. While pushing everyone to make this change, they also made an app, one that barely works. Because they made an app, now anyone who pays via the app is giving Apple 30% of what they pay. This sucks but it is thing that has been known and talked about in the tech community for years. Like before Comixology died, it wouldn’t let you buy things in it’s Apple app BECAUSE of this 30% fee.
So Patreon has made some news posts complaining that Apple is doing this. But the sneaky part is they are using Apple enforcing it’s shitty TOS as an excuse to force creators to switch to new subscription model. The new model is worse for me because well it’s nice to get a big chunk of money all at once each month, rather than have it trickle in day.
Anyway, this was fuuuuun news to come back to when I was very jet-lagged. There is a new patreon-like service called Comradery. It definately looks appealing. So I’ll probably look into mirroring my patreon content on there. But that will probably be something I sit down and figure out in like December rather than right now. For now I gotta focus on keeping The City Between running.
That’s all for this month. Thanks everyone for you support as always!
I’ve been hearing a lot of reports of folks getting covid at comic con, so I hope everyone who went and is reading this also dodged it and if they didn’t that they rest up. Also, thank you do the new people who signed up for this newsletter at the show!
If you are new here, here’s a run down of my stuff:
Blue Moon is a werewolf romance gn I’m writing and Meredith McClarren is going to draw. I’m late on its script.
The City Between is my webcomic about werewolves in the future. It updates Wednesdays. The current story is called Shards of Reflection. I’m scripting the next one which is called Glass Diamonds.
You are the Chosen One is a fantasy comic about 23 kids who got the same prophecy dream. It was posting on Fridays on my Patreon. But my editorial work has been piling up/overwhelming me lately. So it’s on hold until I finish up some other stuff.
My day job is an editor at the manga company Seven Seas and the indie comic publisher Iron Circus Comics. I like folklore, fantasy, and especially like werewolves.
This month Iron Circus will be crowdfund an anthology I edited called Perfect Crime Party! It’s goofy light hearted stories about crime! Jeff Smith did the cover. Usually, I’d link you to a preview page but we don’t have that live yet. So just follow Iron Circus on backerkit to get notified about the book. Tonally, we told creators to aim for something like the Clue movie.
For the new here, I host a werewolf movie every full moon in my fan discord. This month we will be watch The Beast Must Die! an old 70’s movie. We will be watching is August 19th at 4pm PST. Click here if you wanna join!
And I’m traveling the first half of this month, so I can’t stream on twitch until the 18th. But after that I’ll be back on my usual schedule.
The last anthology I edited for Iron Circus hit stores! So if you missed Failure to Launches crowdfund, you can now get it at a store near you. You can’t get it from the Iron Circus store yet, because they don’t add books to stores until crowdfunds are fullfilled. But I’ve been told it is a big hit with bored dads. 😛 (Basically dads that usually just dick around on their phone while their family members shop have been picking up, flipping through, and then buying the book. The picture below is the dad table as a shop)
The big thing I did last month was obviously going to comic con! I have some more traveling to do now that I’m back so I didn’t do a whole lot at the show other than sell stuff. But I did take lots of pictures of cosplayers (most of which were from Baldur’s Gate 3). Here’s some of my favorites! You can see the rest here.
We got Bahl’s chosen!
Laezel with some rad armor!
Sexy Elder Brain, a Tav, and a Alfina
Regina George with a backbrace
Rocky from Lackadaisy
Halsin with a duck!
Mario Cart crew!
I forget what these ninja guys from Zelda are called. But they looked great.
Slutty Gambit
And the Delicious in Dungeon crew.
Also Paramont forgot to send artwork or didn’t have artwork ready for the SDCC badges. So everyone’s badge just had the Paramount logo on them. Very professional. 😛
This month I’m mostly gonna be working on finishing up Shards of Reflection. but first I’m going to Scotland! I’m going to Worldcon/visiting my good friend Kate Ashwin. I’m gonna try to do some writing while there (or at least on the very long flight).
While working this month I mostly stuck to watching stuff on Nebula since a lot of the youtubers I like are on there making extra things. I rather enjoyed Jessie Gender’s Intentiteaze short film. It’s doing a good streamlining the story to build the metaphor it’s making about strictly enforcing the gender binary. I did wish it would have dug a bit deeper into that metaphor, but in her commentary Jessie Gender mentioned trying to get Nebula to fund it as a series. So fingers crossed I get that deeper dive.
I also watched a 3 hour video about Drake vs Kendrick. I knew basically nothing about them but it really pulled me in. FD Signifier does a great job of laying the groundwork what was going on in hiphop that all culminated in Drake rising in popularity and how Kendrick countered it.
Also, one of the first titles I was assigned at Seven Seas, My Deer Friend Nokotan has gotten an anime. The mange is super weird in a good way and has a real dada sense of humor. The anime continued that trend. Check it out if you want something super off the wall. The stuff in that trailer does not make more sense in context.
That is for this month. Thanks everyone for your support! And if you got a few extra bucks, consider backing my patreon.
Next City Between features a scene where Connor and Rebecca spar. So I wanted to plan out what scars Connor has that the reader hasn’t seen. I don’t think I’m completely satisfied with them currently. Might takes another crack at it.