More The City Between concept art as I sit down and design Connor’s house.
More The City Between concept art as I sit down and design Connor’s house.
Doing some designs for The City Between. I basically designed Connor’s house which is a lot bigger than anyone elses. So the first few bits will be rooms from there.
More You are the Chosen One concept art for it’s second chapter. There is a bear monster in the woods. When I was outlining it I was thinking maybe a dragon but thought that was too cliche. Since it’s in a cold mountain climate I went with it being a bear monster instead.
Working on more You are the Chosen One concept art. This older lady is Esme’s mentor in witchcraft. I wanted to learn toward practical clothes without making her outfit too similar to Esme’s. I might maker her fur cape bigger before she shows up at the end of Chapter 2.
You are the Chosen One concept art. Chapter 2 starts with guard training so I layout and designed what the training area would look like. It’s a little sparse but they need room to the dozen or so new recruits.