Sorcery 101 1405 is up!

3 thoughts on “Sorcery 101 1405 is up!

  1. OK, I know this is almost certainly wishful thinking, but hear me out.

    1) One page with NO dialogue, another with no given names (and a couple of awkward pronouns).

    2) Tombstone positioned with its back to the camera.

    3) Link to the trope that “the werewolf always dies at the end” without a statement that that has actually happened. Most authors take pride in AVOIDING cliches, and Kell only said that she was thinking about the ending when she wrote the line — not that it would necessarily come true.

    4) Closed casket, which not only adds ambiguity but also makes a lot more sense for a guy who’s not really in there than a guy who IS and who didn’t have any facial injuries.

    5) In my experience, widows usually wear black at the funeral, not light gray. I’m told that the less-closely you were related to the deceased, the less strict the rules are.

    6) Ally knows good and well that Danny can’t show up in public right now, especially not in a place where non-supernatural people who know him, like Brad’s parents, are going to be — what the heck would he say to them? She wouldn’t be likely to argue with her boss about that.

    Kell’s doing everything in her power to imply that Brad is dead without actually saying so, and the little ambiguities required to AVOID saying so are starting to seem like more than coincidence. I’m beginning to suspect that this is actually DANNY’S funeral, to which Brad was not invited. Maybe it’s “too risky” because Damien’s girlfriend is still out there waiting to finish the job.

    Does anyone else think this makes sense or am I grasping at straws?

  2. Yes! I also get the vibe it isn’t Brad (and perhaps wishful thinking on my part, too). Maybe this is a time-jump and the new baby died shortly after birth. It would explain why Brad’s parents are there and are crying, but his and Ally’s daughter is super quiet and doesn’t seem super distressed. I know someone who had a stillbirth and her daughter was that age. Much more difficult for children to process/grieve when their parents lose a baby versus someone older passing away. I think if it was Brad or Danny, Rebecca would be a lot more emotional—one way or another.

  3. I just finished reading Fame and Misfortune a bit ago. In it Rebecca said that her dad taught her to drive. I guess it could be a future stepdad, not canon, or Brad is alive.

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