Hey! I Have a New Book in My Store

If you missed the kickstarter last year, you can now grab Murky Water from my shop. But the world is on fire, I get it if you don’t got the funds for it. 

This month me and my pal Bones are gonna start a twitch stream show where we read Berserk. Last newsletter I said it would be Tuesdays, but Bones has a conflict. So we will be having our first episode Feb 6th at 3pm pst. Join us while we discuss volume 1 (of the thinner ones, not the nice hardcovers.) That is The Black Swordsman, The Brand, and The Guardians of Desire part 1.

Also this month the full moon is Feb 12th. Since it’s so close to Valentine’s Day, I wanted to shoot for something more on the romantic side of werewolf movies. So we’ll be watching Blood and Chocolate at Noon PST. If you want to join, head on over to my discord. 

And I’ll still be streaming on Twitch:

  • Tuesday at 8pm – 10pm PST – Art times
  • Wednesday at 4pm – 6pm PST – Art times
  • Thursday at 3pm – 4pm PST – Wolf & Bones Comic Club
  • Thursday at 4pm – 6pm PST – Art times
  • Sunday at 8pm – 10pm PST – Baldur’s Gate 3

All these streams will be on my twitch, so stop by!

This month was pretty rough because I had a lot of deadline crunch at Seven Seas. I still got another week of deadline crunch. Then things will ease up a bit.

I did manage to see Nosferatu though. Overall, I mostly liked it. But parts of it fell flat to me. It is about 30 mins longer than the original and I think overall that hurts the movie. We spend a lot of time with Thomas at Count Orlok’s castle. While beautiful and moody, it makes it a bit jarring when the movie switches gears to focus on Orlok in the more modern city. It kinda switches main characters half way through and that doesn’t quite work. Right after seeing it, I basically said I wish we stayed with Thomas or his bit at the beginning was shorter. I also wish we got a better look at the count. He is 90% in shadow most of the time. Eggers said in interviews he made to sure to cut out what was silly about Dracula/vampire movies. So that is probably why. But I wish we got a better look at him at least some of the time. 

After a few weeks I saw Be Kind Rewind compared all three Nosferatus. She points out that the new Nosferatu also explains more of the why. And I think that might be another reason why it didn’t 100% hit for me. The new Nosferatu is running a lot on mood and vibes, so when explaining the why of things, it dampens/interrupts the mood. I did still like it but I think I perfer the other two versions. Both of which (as pointed out in Be Kind Rewind’s video) are free to watch. The original is on youtube with ads and the 70s one is on tubi for free

While buried in work, I had audiobooks. Several of which were releases I had been waiting for. Heavenly Tyrant is the follow up to Iron Widow which I read a few years ago.  Heavenly Tyrant was a good follow up, but I feel like being catalogued as YA has been limiting story. There was some political stuff that is kinda surface level compared to where it could have gone. But it is kinda more minor nitpick. I definitely will be picking up the third book in the series when it comes out. 

I also grabbed Adrift in Currents Clean and Clear. It’s part of Seanan McGuire’s Wayward Children series. I always like the stories showing the kids origins because who they are being in conflict with who their parents think they are. So this didn’t disappoint. 

Currently, I’m relistening to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. A few years ago they got rereleased with Andy Serkis as the reader. He does a great job. When I first listening to the Lord of the Rings audiobook, I found Rob Inglis a bit dry. So they are worth checking out if you want to revisit the series. 

Thats all for this month. Thanks everyone for your support. Take care of yourselves and each other. 

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