Last person to appear in Summer Knight is Lily. She is in photos and stone before, but this is the first time we actually she her as a person. She has long limbs and curves. I tried to make her sorta trying to sink into herself and be unsure since Lily isn’t good at taking care of herself at this point. And then later I can contrast her next appearance to this one. Since Lily is kinda sweet innocent right now I looked at disney princesses for reference. I also continued the design choice I’m giving all fairies where the bridge of their nose goes right into their forehead and the changelings have only a very slight indent. So Lily can slowly have her face change by the time Cold Days roles around. Her outfit is pretty simple. A green blouse and dark pants. I went with a blouse that is a little puffy in the sleeves and chest so it’s modest but still bring attention to her curves.
Sorcery 101 is now kickstarting a 750 page Omnibus. It is the first half of the whole series!