• End of the Year = Reorganizing Things

    I skipped last month’s newsletter because I couldn’t focus around the election. Then I was helping Iron Circus get it’s Black Friday Sale ready. So November came and went. Now I’m mostly planning stuff/to do lists for next year.  I’ll be at CALA (Comic Arts LA) Decemebr 14th and 15th. I’m not selling my own stuff. I’m representing Iron Circus.

  • Glass Diamonds page 4 is up

    Glass Diamonds page 4 is up. You can also read pages early by backing my patreon. Right now you can read Glass Diamonds to page 8.

  • Glass Diamonds page 3 is up

    Glass Diamonds page 3 is up. You can also read pages early by backing my patreon. Right now you can read Glass Diamonds to page 7.

  • Glass Diamonds page 2 is up

    Glass Diamonds page 2 is up. You can also read pages early by backing my patreon. Right now you can read Glass Diamonds to page 6.
