Kel McDonald

creating Comics!

  • 189 members
  • 2,069 posts

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Read You are the Chosen One
 / month
  • Thank you for your support!
  • You are helping Kel replace broken things in their home.
  • Backers at this level get to read the Patreon Exclusive comic You are the Chosen One as a page goes up every Friday.
General Thanks
 / month
  • This is for general thanks and support.
  • Occasionally I'll post extras at this level but not on a regular basis.
  • Your helping me fix stuff in my house
General Support
 / month
  • This is for general thanks and support.
  • Occasionally I'll post extras at this level but not on a regular basis.
  • Your helping me pay my student loans
Recommended by creator
Early Comics
 / month
  • You can read pages of The City Between early. Pages are posted 4 weeks early.
  • You'll get to vote on future projects. 
One of the crowd
 / month
When I need folks for a crowd scene in my next comic, anyone backing at this level can be drawn into the crowd. It won't happen every month, but will happen whenever there is a new chapter or story. 
Recent posts by Kel McDonald
Kel McDonald

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