Some Patreon Changes

I made a post on patreon and I’d really like some feedback from everyone who reads my stuff, whether you back my patreon or not. Here is the post if you don’t want to click over, but I’d still like feedback:

Hey, so there are 7 pages left in Sorcery 101. Then I’m restructuring my website and my Patreon. So for November and December I’m not gonna post anything on patreon that will charge you. I’m only gonna post writer notes, which I know I have fallen behind on.

I have tried to keep up with posting stuff early but it’s mostly not working because Patreon doesn’t let me schedule a post and I’m not at my computer because of conventions a lot.

So after the change, I’m gonna switch to monthly amounts charges rather than weekly, because that has been something that prevents people from backing this. So I was thinking of posting a PDF that covers comics that will be posted that month on the first. And charge roughly $5 for it, so you can still read the comic add free and you get comics early.

I’ll still post writer notes and during my break I’ll get ahead on those so they won’t be as late. Those will be for anyone.

But I’m trying to think of other extra levels that aren’t monthly sketch books, because don’t think I have the time for something like that and I’d rather not promise something I can’t fullfill.

But, do you guys like seeing pencils or in progress pages? Do you wanna see scripts? Would a stream where you can request a 5 min warm up drawing work?

Now if you’re reading this and wondering about the changes to the site here after Sorcery 101. Basically, the look is getting revamped to make it easier to navigate and to make sure people can easily get to more than one comic. And if Patreon gets to $100 a month before I start charging folks again, I might just redesign it to not have the 250 by 300 box ad completely, because that one is always the biggest problem when it comes to malware/audio etc.

Misfits of Avalon will start updating again in late January/early February. So thats when the site needs to be finished up. During November and December I’m gonna post some writer note that patreon backers have already read and post the page of my story for Cautionary Fables and Fairytales Asia on Mondays.

Misfits of Avalon will run until September. Then I’ll post sequel to Fame and Misfortune, the Better to Find You With. After that it could be another City Between story or a pitch that is currently being reviewed.