Rose City is this Weekend! 

I’m at table B-12! Right up front! Stop by and get some books! I’ll have copies of Failure to Launch!

Perfect Crime Party is currently crowdfunding! I mentioned it last month but this is the newest anthology I edited for Iron Circus. There is a lot of fun lighthearted crime stories. So please grab yourself a copy!

This months werewolf movie is An American Werewolf in Paris. I’ll be hosting it on my discord September 17th at 4pm ptIf you wanna join, just sign up for my discord here. I starting to run out of the big deal werewolf movies. So I’m also open to recommendations. 

  • Tuesday 8pm-10pm PST – Art times
  • Wednesday 8pm-10pm PST – Art times
  • Thursday 6pm-8pm PST (during the Iron Circus Geekshow)
  • Sunday 8pm-11pm PST – Playing Baldur’s Gate 3

Please stop by!

I spent a big chunk of August traveling. I went to Worldcon for the first time. It was in Glasgow, Scotland. My thought was if I didn’t like the con, then I could just leave and do something touristy. I did end up enjoying the con and I plan to go when it’s in Seattle next year. My hotel was about a 20 min to the convention center but it was pretty nice and along the river. 

If you don’t know, Worldcon is a sci-fi fantasy con where the Hugos are held. It’s in a different city every year. While there is some fan stuff, it is mainly aimed at pros and aspiring pros. As such the vibe was very different at Worldcon that the many comic shows I’ve been to. I think a lot of the panels at comic cons are basically press releases. There are some panels on craft, but they usually get buried/given bad time slots. Which makes sense because those comic shows are more focused on fans and sales. 

So it was nice to listen to some topics with writing being the focus. I particularly liked one I went to about governments in sci-fi and fantasy and why those two genres tend toward writing about fascism or monarchy. I went because in The City Between, Connor’s husband Jordan is their worlds equivalent of the governor. I think I got some good notes and ideas on how to flesh that angle out more in future stories.

Also at Worldcon I grabbed some new books. One I ready finished, To Shape a Dragon’s Breath. It is about a native girl who finds a dragon. Her people used to have dragons but were wiped out when white settlers started colonizing the area. Said white colonizers also have a lot of laws about dragons, so she has to go to one of their schools for dragon riders. It was very well written and I got through it pretty fast. My one complaint is at the beginning the main character is a bit too nice for my tastes. That isn’t a flaw with the book, just my personal taste. I frequently like characters that are trash monsters to the point where my friends tell me they can’t watch someone of my favorite shows because everyone is too awful. So me thinking a character is too nice, is probably a plus for everyone else. 

After Worldcon, I stayed in Glasgow an extra day to explore. I was traveling with my pal Bones Leopard who wanted to visit the Glasgow Necropolis. I took a lot of graves I thought had cool designs. 

Right next to it is Glasgows Cathedral. So we also popped in and I took a bunch of pictures of that. 

Afterward, Bones feet started to hurt, so I ended up wandering around on my own and talking pictures of architecture I thought was neat. And while exploring I came across a group of bagpipers performing. 

After that I went to Edinburgh for a few days. Mostly I walked around and saw some performances. The Fridge Fest was going on while I was there. So I got to see a few fun street performances. On day was pretty rainy in the afternoon so I spelt it in the National Museum of Scotland. But the big thing I did in Edinburgh was I climbed Arthur’s Seat. The view was amazing!

I put all my Scotland pictures in my google drive. Anyone who wants to see them can browse here. The folder includes:

  • a bunch of buildings I thought looked neat in Glasgow and Edinburgh
  • walking along the river
  • all the graves I took pics of
  • a religion museum next to the graveyard and cathedral
  • inside the cathedral
  • the oldest house in Glasgow (each floor showed it in a different time period)
  • some landscapes/hills taken from inside the train to Edinburgh
  • climbing Arthur’s Seat
  • photos from the National Museum of Scotland

The whole trip was fun. I also got to hang out with Kate Ashwin in person. Iron Circus wants to do a boxset of Cautionary Fables, so we sat down and figured out what we want the box to look like. 

Now that I’m home I’m gonna rest up and focus on The City Between. I have like 4 pages left of Shards of Reflection to finish up. So I need to make sure the next story, Glass Diamonds, is ready to go fairly soon. One that is done I need to rearrange my patreon a bit.

Obviously, I haven’t had time to get back to You are the Chosen One in over a year. But Patreon removed goals from Patreon over a year ago. When I started You are the Chosen One, I was using goals as a milestone to justify when either You are the Chosen One or The City Between could have another update day. The goal is removed and I wouldn’t have time to do that even if my patreon did reach it. So I need to reassess what I’m doing. I will probably start posting it publicly, however I don’t know if I want to rotate it’s chapters with The City Between with updates on Wednesdays, or just post it whenever. 

Also, Patreon removing goals was a more minor example it continuiously making unhelpful changes. The newest of which is them forcing everyone to switch to a different payment model. Basically, until this month, I charged all my Patreon backers on the 1st. That is how subsciptions used to work on all patreons. But they thought that was a problem because sometimes someone would sign up the 25th of a month and then be charged twice in a short amount of time.

For the past year, Patreon has been pushing creators to switch to everyone gets charged on whatever day they signed up on a monthly basis. While pushing everyone to make this change, they also made an app, one that barely works. Because they made an app, now anyone who pays via the app is giving Apple 30% of what they pay. This sucks but it is thing that has been known and talked about in the tech community for years. Like before Comixology died, it wouldn’t let you buy things in it’s Apple app BECAUSE of this 30% fee.

So Patreon has made some news posts complaining that Apple is doing this. But the sneaky part is they are using Apple enforcing it’s shitty TOS as an excuse to force creators to switch to new subscription model. The new model is worse for me because well it’s nice to get a big chunk of money all at once each month, rather than have it trickle in day.

Anyway, this was fuuuuun news to come back to when I was very jet-lagged. There is a new patreon-like service called Comradery. It definately looks appealing. So I’ll probably look into mirroring my patreon content on there. But that will probably be something I sit down and figure out in like December rather than right now. For now I gotta focus on keeping The City Between running. 

That’s all for this month. Thanks everyone for you support as always!

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